Harley Happiness Forelsket

Forelsket;- Danish, Pronunciation IPA(key): /forɛlskəd/, [fɒˈɛlsɡ̊əð]
Verb forelsket
Our name for our flame red original 2 wheeled, v twin, pride and joy. Once a 96 cubic inch 1580, now a rebuilt 103 Stage 4, Screaming Eagle custom, pushing out over 100hp to the belt driven 240, low profile rear tire. Full stretch forward controls and a decent set of apes makes for a very comfortable over powered cruising luxury machine. That has a respectable noise to match the look.
And it’s the noise that comes with the mild vibrations and feeling of acceleration and raw torque that’s always such an awesome, important, incredible part of our happiness. It might mean we are going somewhere, but often the happiness is not knowing where are going, just a direction that eventually after an amazing ride, we will be somewhere. It’s never hard to find a happy place after a good run on our Harley Forelsket.
And there’s always welcoming smiles, low freedom or victory hand signs when riding and conversations, an unwritten law of brother and sisterhood for any Harley rider on or near the road. Our Harley’s a patch in their own right, and something any rider takes great pride in, respected on the same level by our fellow riders.
We like to keep with our own when we’re on the road and most of us will be faster to help than to hinder when it’s needed, for anyone. Be that helping a bro, or a toy run for charity, or sorting that strangers broken down car.
For most of us that sense of brother and sisterhood is our place of happiness among the noise, the leathers, the custom styles, and the chance to be lost in the freedom of wind and unique Harley Davidson way of being.
For us, for me, the world of happiness created when that big block turns over and the miles rumble by is definitely a world of pure happiness.