
From a military background Gavin worked as an Emergency Coordinator internationally for United Nations agencies and NGO’s: in between stints commercial diving. Following a break in television film and advertising production, he moved to an international role covering Asia, Pacific, Middle East and Africa as Maritime Medical Consultant. After a near four-year period as an Emergency Management Officer, activating for over 22 national disaster responses, he changed to Program Management implementing a ministerial approved strategy for a National Hepatitis C Elimination Program.

Gavin is currently a full time student completing his masters with a project enabling our whanau, kaiawhina (peers) and non-regulated workforce improved contribution to global access to health. Micro-credentialing with a systemized approach to global implementation; for marginalized, low socio-economic, ethnic and general populations supplementing existing health structures and systems.

Click below for HealthNetworkCollective, LinkedIn profile, or media examples from production days

Email Gavin here